Foggy Blog


I’m your host at Folly View – the cleanest and best value self-catering accommodation in South Shropshire

Foggy Blog

We have had some foggy days and I have put together two Foggy Blogs about a walk and a drive.

This Foggy Blog is about a walk on Halford Meadow.

The moisture in the air was heavy as Dillie and I walked onto Halford Meadow. We entered about mid way down and you couldn’t see across the meadow, let alone from one end to the other.

We could not see far at all and there was no way I could see that this fog would burn off any time soon.

Halford Meadow is more pastoral than Onny Meadows. There are trees which are the remnants of old hedgrows, so it is easy to see from one end to the other, unlike on Onny Meadows.

As we turned a corner by the River Onny I glimpsed the brilliant white of the Little Egret. In the semi light we managed to creep up close, without spooking this usually flighty bird. We were able to watch him on the river bank.

We continued on our Halford Meadow walk, still not being able to see the other end of the meadow. But we could see the hazy outline of the sun as we headed towards Corvedale Road.

As we continued we saw a couple of other dogs walkers appearing through the gloom. But I noticed colours were beginning to appear, the green of grass, the grey/brown of tree trunks and branches. We were still walking through and into a foggy blanket.

I get focussed on Dillie when other dogs are around, as she isn’t a huge fan.

As we walked on into the fog I decided to look back over the meadows we had walked. I was surprised to see the other end bathed in sunshine, the sun burning off the foggy blanket.

We had a bright sunny day ahead, not expected when we set out on our morning walk.

The photograph in the header of this blog post shows the view of Halford Meadows from the bridge over the River Onny on Corvedale Road, and was taken on a less foggy day.

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